🧠💡 ANN (Artificial Neural Network)💻🔗

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What is an ANN?
The computational model known as ANN, or Artificial Neural Network, was created to replicate the neural connections and mental processes of the human brain. 🤝🧠 It is made up of layered interconnected nodes (artificial neurons) that process and transmit data to carry out various functions. ANN is a well-known machine learning technique that has numerous applications in a variety of fields.

Key Components of an ANN:
An ANN's fundamental building blocks, neurons receive and process inputs.
Weights: Connectivity-related parameters that quantify the importance of neural connections.
3️⃣ Activation Function: A non-linear function used to calculate complex calculations using the weighted sum of inputs.
4️⃣ Input, hidden, and output layers are examples of organized neural cell groups called layers.
5️⃣ Using a training algorithm, the network's weights are modified to improve performance.

ANN Types:
1️⃣ Feedforward Neural Networks: Information flows in one direction, from input to output, without cycles.
2️⃣ Recurrent Neural Networks: Feedback connections allow information to flow in cycles, enabling memory-based tasks.
3️⃣ Convolutional Neural Networks: Specialized for image and video processing, featuring convolutional and pooling layers.

4️⃣ Generative Adversarial Networks: Consisting of two neural networks, one generates content while the other evaluates its authenticity.

A number of fields have been transformed by ANN, resulting in breakthroughs in:
🚗 Autonomous Vehicles
🏥 Healthcare and Diagnostics
📸 Computer Vision
🔊 Speech Recognition
🌐 Natural Language Processing
📈 Financial Predictions

🕹 Gaming and Reinforcement Learning

Popular ANN Frameworks:
2️⃣ Keras
3️⃣ PyTorch
4️⃣ Caffe
5️⃣ Theano

💡You are welcome to discuss ANN, ask questions, or offer your experiences. Let's talk and study together!🌐📚