How do traps work to catch Popillia japonica? is trusted by 1,336,713 happy users since 2014.


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There Popillia japonicacommonly known as Japanese beetle, is a harmful insect that feeds on the leaves of numerous plants, causing serious damage to gardens, agricultural land, vineyards and green areas in many Italian regions. To counter its spread and protect crops, there are several biological control strategies, including the use of specifics traps for Popillia japonica. These traps represent an effective and ecologically sustainable solution to manage the presence of this destructive parasite which attacks and destroys the vegetation of hundreds of tree, vegetable and ornamental crops.

In this article, we will explore how these traps work, their main characteristics and the advantages they offer for eliminating Popillia japonica.

How the trap for Popilia japonica works

Trap against Popillia Japonica

The traps for mass trapping of Popilia japonica work thanks to the presence of a pheromone.
The pheromone traps they are designed to exploit insects’ ability to detect and respond to sex pheromones emitted by females to attract males. In the case of the Japanese beetle, the traps use a synthetic pheromone that mimics that naturally produced by beetles to attract adult males.

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