When and how to pick tomatoes in the garden

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Tomatoes are one of the most loved and popular vegetables from grow in the home garden. With their vibrant shades of red, yellow and green, tomatoes are a symbol of summer and an essential ingredient in many delicious dishes. But when is the right time to collect them? And what are the best methods to ensure a successful collection?
Harvesting tomatoes requires some attention to obtain ripe, juicy and tasty fruits. Each tomato variety has its own specific characteristics in terms of ripening time, size and colour. Therefore, it is important to know the exact time to harvest your tomatoes to make the most of their flavor and nutritional value.

In this article, we’ll explore the hallmarks that indicate when tomatoes are ready to harvest, provide helpful harvesting tips, and discuss proper techniques for handling tomatoes without damaging them. Whether you’re passionate about horticulture or are just starting to grow tomatoes in your garden, read on to find out everything there is to know about harvesting!

When are the tomatoes ready to pick?

Picking cherry tomatoes

When it comes to determining the best time to pick tomatoes, it’s important to consider several hallmarks that indicate berry ripeness.

The post continues on our Blog: When and how to pick tomatoes in the garden

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