Rules to follow when releasing a Game at! is trusted by 1,337,642 happy users since 2014.

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A crazy scientist
Staff Member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
Hello dear community, it's recommended that all of you take a look at the following Rules & Guidelines about how to properly Release a Game at our site and what to do to avoid any issues, so please read the following rules and guidelines, it will only take a few minutes.

1. ◀ FORMAT ▶
When releasing a game in this section, you will find a template to follow. Please use this format to share games and do not alter it in any ways, thank you. Also, make sure there are no unnecessary links in your thread (such as social links from the description of the game, or any other external links).

Every game you release should have a Toast, Dialog, Splash Screen or any other kind of signatures which will recognize you as the author of the mod and our site as source of it.
A good and simple example of the content of your signature could be: "Mod by {your username here}, only at"

Please check the current Playstore game version before submitting your game and make sure to keep it up to date by releasing a new Thread when a new version comes. Any outdated mods will be moved to outdated section and you will lose your SB Points earned from users who paid to unlock your outdated apk (this only applies to online games or games which force you to update to the last version).

Before sharing a game here, of course, you're required to guarantee it REALLY works. So please always make sure it really works or it will be deleted and you might lose all the SB Points you gained from users who paid to unlock/download your apk.

You are required to upload all your files to our Official File Hosting: Additionally, and optionally, you can upload your files (as mirror links) to your favorite file hosting sites. If you're uploading a GAME CACHE, please make sure to compress it into the .zip format, and don't include both APK and GAME CACHE files in the same archive, thank you. The reason we require to use sbupload is to guarantee files are never deleted, so please remember to always include a link to download your files to

6. ◀ PROOFS ▶
If you're a new user who never released before on our community, you will be required to provide some proofs in order to show us you're really the author of the apk you released, as we do not tolerate leeching, or taking apps from other sites and claiming you're the author, so your first releases will be under approval (hidden to other users) and one of our Testing Team members will reach you via Private Conversation. After submitting your proofs, we'll analyze them and then decide wether approving or rejecting your release.

Always search before posting a game on our site. You shouldn't release a game if it's already been released by another releaser on our Community, especially if the features of the mod (if modded) are similar or identical to the ones of the previous releaser, unless your features are different or the mod isn't kept up to date from the previous releaser, leaving it outdated for over 1 month. If this is the case, you should contact the previous modder (if still an active user), asking him if you can update his game.

So, to summarize, can update an outdated mod from another user if:
• He doesn't answer within 48 hours to your private message
• He fails to update his mod within 48 more hours (so 1 month + 48 hours after being notified by you about his outdated mod, regardless of the reply he will give, if any)
• He gives you written permission to update it

or if the mod features you're providing are different from the ones provided by the original author.

Although already specified in rule #3, beware, as Releaser on our site, you're required to always keep up to date your releases within reasonable time (UNLESS a game can no longer be modded, due to securities), before posting NEW games. This is to continue the benefits of the community in whole, and to prevent our members from waiting aimlessly for updated mod.



Team members list subject to change.

- 7th Jun 2017: Thread creation.
- 11th May 2018: Rules Update.
- 5th Dec 2018: Rules completely rewritten and adapted to our needs.

Final notes: please understand we do all this to keep order and organization on our community, and we might have to delete your release, assign a warning, remove SB Points from your balance or even ban you if we find out you're violating our rules one or multiple times. All releasers, approved or not may be subject to a random inspection at any given time. Our set of rules is subject to changes from time to time, but we'll always notify all users when this will happen. If you do have any questions about this matter, please click here, I'll be glad to answer your questions.

Thank you for your attention,
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Rules to follow when releasing a Game at! was released by Sbenny and 30245 people like you already found this fantastic release! Find this and over 20,000 unique Android Games & Apps like this at, here since 2014 to serve the best Gaming Community in the world with hundreds new, safe and amazing releases every day.