Jamie what happened to the two apks of the Growing Up Thread?
Were the archives damaged or something?
Will you allow me in case you don't have them right now to contact the mods(still have the two apks on my phone) and see if we can work out a new thread or a general reupload?
Saying it mainly cause it is a pity to lose the great mod you did back on the day.
Do answer whenever you can, the users that paid the points cannot access all the content!
It all was about the two apks needed to play the Growing up mod, you know the original and the one "modded", apparently those two links failed and the people who unlocked the mod just couldn't played cause without them you only have the OBB.
So yeah quite the hassle, been trying to fix it during the time you were away as the lads/lasses were getting desperate on the chat, it was all quite random do not know why the links stopped working but yeah at at the end thankfully all was resolved.
Quite eventful indeed Jamie!