Adding a Lua script into an APK is trusted by 1,442,541 happy users since 2014.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 2 years
Saluations! Very recently I've tried my hand at creating a script of my own. It's a MOD Menu (as of now all of the functionality is macro based), and I've been wanting to test it. Only issue is, game guardian is very limiting in the type of menu you can execute (horrible feature retainment), so I tried directly modifying the apk. I tried and failed, and I plan on trying some more but first I wanted to ask around the community and see if someone with more experience could tell me if maybe you could try putting my lua script into pokemon quest? I don't even know how good it functions in game yet, but with the testing I've done in LOVE and Node, its decent. If you are interested, I'll send you the script and if it works well you can just take it and sell it for points if you want. If you aren't familiar with lua, I could always change the code language so its as easy as possible to add. Have a great day!