NSFW/18+ eBook Adults Only: Seven Erotica Shorts by Bebe Wilde

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Azura Shadow

Member for 5 years
Name of this eBook: Adults Only: Seven Erotica Shorts by Bebe Wilde

eBook Description:
***WARNING EXPLICIT CONTENT ***They're short but they're sexy Adults Only: Seven Erotica Shorts is a collection of stories dealing with themes of sexual exploration, submission/dominance and voyeurism as well as a longing for passion. Combining eroticism with a literary edge, Bebe Wilde takes this volume of short erotica to a whole new level.

These stories will not only titillate but fascinate as well. Sizzling accounts of an unusual but satisfying sexual relationship, a young woman hooking up multiple times over the course of a night, and a couple who is watched by a stranger are just some of the stories that are featured in this volume. If you like your erotica hot and to the point, Adults Only: Seven Erotica Shorts is sure to please.

However, keep in mind that this erotica collection contains adult situations and language and is intended for a mature audience.

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