Adventure Time - Card Wars Kingdom v1.0.9 - MEGA MOD is trusted by 1,392,470 happy users since 2014.

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Tako Mayo

Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 7 years
Hi Sbenny,
The start at rank 209 perk is only needed during 5th tutorial battle
Please see request below
So we need to:
1. play a mod without the "start at rank 209" until 4th tutorial battle
2. Install mod with "start at rank 209" and play the 5th tutorial battle
3 after leveling up to rank 209, close game and install again mod without "start at rank 209"
4. There you go, rank 209, and other players wont suspect you of cheating due to high rank (276 and above)
It cannot be done.
What I mean is two separate modded apk are needed for this to work. One with the large experience gain and the other without it, just like your megamod for card wars kingdom 1.0.8 where there are two separate modded apk's. Then do the steps I've mentioned to essentially start at rank 209 after first 5 battles.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 7 years
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