Embedded video downloads

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Addicted Lv3️⃣
Active User
Member for 6 years
How to download embedded videos which doesn't have any links in apps
Like robomate or byjus apps


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Active User
Member for 6 years
thanks for your reply @Fred Green ............but step 3 consists copying the links........but in some apps..there would be no links for videos....please help me admins


?Freelance ? Writer ?
Member for 6 years
For something like this you would have to use an external link to another site that specializes in this sort of thing. Because we don't allow outside advertising like that, we cannot link any of these sites here. However, if you find a program that will allow you to do something like that online, submit a request for it in the requests section and one of the modders / releasers can help try and track down the program. Sorry we couldn't help more.
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