I understand it is more of a genre', but Rogue and all Rogue-likes (not rogue-lites) that includes Pixel Dungeon, Nethack, Angband, Stone Soup, Diablo, Warcraft, etc. Anything that is proceduraly generated and has a D&D fantasy theme.
Next would be D&D genre', including all of the S.S.I. games, Mordor series, etc.
Finally, would be spin-off genre's such as Gauntlet, Medieval, and other fantasy role playing games.
As a programmer of 50+ years, I am also a big fan of the Atari 2600 (having made of few of those games).
Having more than a million games for more than 3,000 systems, it is difficult to nail down just a few. If I were in a position where I had to chose one for the rest of my days, I'd probably go with Shattered Pixel Dungeon as it is graphical and no game is ever the same twice.
That being said, I'm also a fan of Mek-O-Rama, a puzzle strategy game.