Hacking Solarmax 3 (Android)

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
I'm new to the Android hacking scene. I used to play around with Cheat Engine and decompiling flash games. My current challenge is hacking Solarmax 3 on Android. What I'm looking to get is unlimited credits (gold, money, whatever you want to call it).

My current process has been a lot of playing around with IDA, dnSpy and HxD. Apologies for the spaghetti of thoughts. I would love if someone could point me in the right direction.

What I want to achieve
: unlimited money

What I've done so far:
  • Dumped all of the APK data using Il2cpp, extracted function names, used scripts to port this data in IDA
  • I'm able to edit the libil2cpp.so file and see changes reflected in the APK when testing
The issue I'm having:
  • It's just not working!
  • I've played around with changing a lot of variables one by one
    • LocalPlayer ChangeMoney() -> playing around with this, and setmoney resulted in no money being added upon completion of levels
    • LocalPlayer SetMoney()
    • NetMessage get_curMoney()
    • NetMessage get_delta
    • UserData get_gold() (address 0x58F048)
    • UserData set_gold()

Changing the UserData get_gold seems relatively straight forward:
 Int32 get_gold()
LDR             R0, [R0,#0x48]
BX              LR
I change the LDR instruction to a mov r0, #0xFFFFFF. This results in my gold seemingly being updated. The main menu lists gold as the new 0xFFFF number. BUT when I go to buy something it seems it isn't polling the get_gold function.


Looking at the set_gold function... I know that R1 is being stored into the address of R0 offset by #0x40. I'm not sure how I would edit this instruction to give more gold (I don't think it's possible in one line, is it?)
; Void set_gold(Int32)
STR             R1, [R0,#0x48]
BX              LR
I think that if I can find the value of R0 and modify the actual value that R0 #0x48 points to, I could successfully change the gold. But how do I get that value?


Looking at ChangeMoney() (I'm pretty sure sometimes gold and money are used interchangeably by the dev)

There's a lot going on and I just don't know what to make of it. (I tried to put it in thumbnail, but it didn't for some reason)

2.png 3.png


I also do know there's some sort of server side storage/verification. I have no idea to what extent. You can create a profile on one device, and it'll back up through your FB. I have successfully (but unintentionally) prevented my gold increasing client side. This gives me hope that I can also increase my gold client side. That being said, with the current get_gold hack, it gets reset to its correct value as soon as I earn some more gold.

Other avenues of hacking:
  • I've tried playing around with the lottery system (no luck). The only thing I really have successfully changed in all of this is locking the number of 'free ad spins' you have every day for the lottery system. At the minimum, if I could make the lottery spin for free (instead of costing 50 credits), I'd be happy with my hack job. But even that seems to be a challenge.
  • If you watch an ad you get a reward multiplier for gold. 'Watch this ad and earn 6x reward' If I could bump that factor up by 1000, that would serve the same purpose
  • You get gold through the 'sign in month' system/completing challenges.

Thanks for sticking around! If anyone can give some guidance as to what to try, I would very much appreciate it! I've been playing around with this on and off for 3 days now.

~Big Confusion


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 2 years
Have you by chance tried to open the game since this forum post? They killed their "server" that they require connection to do to do anything inside the game...

I've tried messing with it myself - but have no experience doing this whatsoever. I'm hoping someone who knows more than I might be able to pull just the literal game itself? Or is it truly dead now that they shut their server off?