How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games is trusted by 1,444,866 happy users since 2014.


A crazy scientist
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Before you read, if you're on Android 11 or higher, also read this:


Hey folks! I decided to make this guide to help you understand HOW to correctly install APK files and GAME CACHE files on your Android Device.

As you already know, at you can Download TONS of GAMES and APPS for free but here's the question: HOW TO INSTALL THEM?

There is an easy answer for this, or better, 2 answers. Why? Here I will explain it better.

An Android Game or App it's usually made of a single APK file but there's also a chance that you will find a GAME CACHE too (this usually happens with very detailed games (see for example CSR Racing or GTA San Andreas) because a single, small .apk file is not enough for all the graphics of the game. This means you have to make some additional steps to install a game if it has got a GAME CACHE instead of a simple APK ONLY game.

So here are my TWO step by step guides to install games or apps to your Android device (or emulator).


You will usually find only APK files to install so here's the most common procedure to follow to install APK files.
PLEASE ENSURE THERE IS NO [GAME CACHE], otherwise you will need to follow the APK + GAME CACHE procedure.

1. Ensure you do not have already installed the game/app you are going to install.
Yes, seems quite obvious, it's not advisable to install a game or app if you do already have another version installed on your mobile phone (for example, uninstall Jetpack Joyride from your android device if you are going to install our Jetpack Joyride MOD). This is required because installation errors or glitches may happens during this process.

2. Prepare your Smartphone (or Tablet) for external installations.
If your are going to install a GAME or APP from an external resource (that means that the game/app is not from installed directly from Google Play or Amazon) , you need to prepare your mobile device to allow external files to be installed on it.
At this purposal, you have to go to your phone Settings -> Security and check "Unknown Resources". This way, your phone will be authorized to install external files.

3. Download the APK file.
You will often find more than one APK file. We do this because we offer a lot of game/app versions, including MOD ones (we will provide you the specifics of every file we provide next to the blue "DOWNLOAD" button.
To download the Game (or App) from this website you just have to Download only ONE of the APK files you find on the game/app's page.
Another page will open, which will redirect you to our file hosting from which you can download the requested file for free.

4. Move the APK file to your phone. (if you downloaded the file from your PC)
After you download the APK file from our website, you will need to move it to your Android Smartphone/Tablet. It is advised to move it to an easy-to-remember folder. To do this, of course, use your USB cable to connect your mobile to your PC, then simply drag the file to a folder of your smartphone (like the "Downloads" folder for example).

5. Install the APK file.
To install an APK file you just have to go to the folder where you moved your .apk file and simply tap on it!
You will then be asked to confirm the installation and, after reading the game permissions, the installation will start automatically.

6. PLAY!
After the installation process is finished, you can finally launch the game and enjoy it!
Some APK games may download additional content after the installation. To ensure it will download the additional data after the installation, it's advisable to enable your Wi-Fi connection (or Internet) the first time you launch a game.

First timer: Normal :smilingdroid
Expert: Very Easy :cooldroid:


You may find this procedure a little bit harder to understand but I can ensure you it's pretty easy. This is what you need to do every time you want to install a HD game, for example.


1. Ensure you do not have already installed the game/app you are going to install.
The first step is the same here, too. Don't install a game or app if you already have another version installed on your smartphone or tablet.

2. Prepare your Smartphone (or Tablet) for external installations.
Second step is identical too. Fist time you manually install games? Go to Settings -> Security and check "Unknown Resources". This way, you will give your device the permission to install external files.

3. Download the APK and the GAME CACHE files.
Choose the appropriate files to Download (for example, if you need a MOD version, Download the [APK] and [GAME CACHE] with the [MOD ........] features.
After you click on the "DOWNLOAD" button you'll be redirected to our file hosting where you can start the free and fast download.

4. Move the APK file to your phone. (if you downloaded the file from your PC)
This step is the exactly same step of the APK file installation. After you download the APK file from our website, you will need to move it to your Mobile Device. It is advised to move it to an easy-to-remember folder. To do this, of course, use your USB cable to connect your mobile to your PC, then simply drag the file to a folder of your smartphone (like the "Download" folder for example).

5. Install the APK file.
To install the APK file you just have to go to the folder where you moved your .apk file and simply tap on it!
You will then be asked to confirm the installation and, after reading the game permissions, the installation will start automatically. DO NOT LAUNCH THE GAME YET!!!

6. Extract the GAME CACHE
Here's the tricky part of this guide!
GAME CACHE files are usually compressed to reduce the file size. This means that you have to decompress them before moving them to your phone.
Using WinZip or WinRar, extract the .zip file with the right-click of the mouse on that file and choosing: Extract Files.
After you Extract the GAME CACHE, you will obtain the folder we need to complete the installation of the game.

7. Move the GAME CACHE to your Android Device
This is the last step 🙂 I hope you are not bored 😉
Connect your phone to your PC and move the FOLDER to the following path: sdcard/Android/obb/ .

8. PLAY!
You did it! You did it! You finally installed your first APK + GAME CACHE game on your Android Device! You are now ready to rock!!!
Launch the Game and Enjoy it!!! Congrats 😄

First timer: Hard :angrydroid:
Expert: Normal :smilingdroid


Q: I can't find the sdcard folder. Why?
A: sdcard is your microSD. It may have alternative names like: External Storage, SD0, MicroSD, External Memory and so on.. Just go into your External Memory (I'm sure you know how to do it).

Q: There's no "obb" folder in my Android folder. What can I do?
A: Simply create a "obb" folder 🙂

Q: I have no microSD. How can I install theese games then?
A: If you don't have a microSD, or if your phone doesn't support them, just go to the "Android/obb/" path and move the GAME CACHE folder into the obb folder and you're done!

Q: How to Extract the GAME CACHE if i'm using my Smartphone/Tablet?
A: Go to your Downloads Folder, find the .zip file and keep pressing on that file for about 1-2 seconds and a Menu will appear, then select "Extract" and you are done!

If you didn't understand something of the guide or if you have any kind of questions, please post a reply below and I will be glad to help you.

In the next post I will focus more on HOW TO DOWNLOAD APK/GAME CACHE FILES.
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A crazy scientist
Staff Member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
Active User

We do serve only clean APK and GAME CACHE files, with no unwanted files inside. We do also ensure the files are as much smaller as possible, to let you download them in less time and to save your bandwidth! How? We do use a special software on our server which decompress a .zip (Game Cache or Data) file and then recompress it reducing using an advanced compression system reducing the file size up to 50%!

Now, let's talk about APK and GAME CACHE / DATA files you'll find at, explaining how to install/prepare them.

1. [APK]

[APK] files are compressed files (you can even extract them with WinRar 😜 ). No need to make anything here, just tap on it to install the game!

First timer: Easy :happydroid:
Expert: Very Easy :cooldroid:

A [GAME CACHE] file contains all the game data and graphics and it's originally compressed into one (or more) ".obb" files. These files are then compressed again to decrease the file size even more (and to let you download it faster). Thanks to our optimized compression algorithm, at you'll always find the SMALLEST .zip game cache files.
So, you need to extract the .zip file you get in order to properly install it and, after you extract this file, you will get a folder which is usually called "com.xxxxx.xxxxx" and it's the folder that contains one (or more) .obb files.
Android path for this folder: sdcard/Android/obb/HERE.
Can't find the "obb" folder? Just create it inside sdcard/Android/HERE.

First timer: Normal :smilingdroid:
Expert: Easy :happydroid:

3. [DATA]
[DATA] files are very similar to [GAME CACHE] ones. Only difference is they are not compressed inside a ".obb" file, but they are instead UNCOMPRESSED (so, the total size is bigger) and are usually made by a "files" and a "cache" folder.
Procedure is similar to the [GAME CACHE] installation, only difference is the path: sdcard/Android/data/HERE.
Can't find the "data" folder? Same procedure here: just create a folder called "data" inside sdcard/Android/HERE.

First timer: Normal :smilingdroid:
Expert: Easy :happydroid:

[APK+DATA] files usually redirect you to the Google Play Store (or the Amazon Store). You will grab the original (and NOT hacked) game/app from there. It's strongly recommended to support developers purchasing the game/app, if it's paid.

First timer: Easy :happydroid:
Expert: Easy :happydroid:


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 9 years
Re: Tutorial How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games


Idk if anyone will be willing to..or even able to help me...and I really hate to even post my question/ comment...but here I go...

First of all, I am in "no way" tech savvy..not even a little-bit ;)...but, I love to play games and I do know how to download apps and even sideload apps...and even though you have posted detailed instructions on how to do it...I'm still not "getting it"...not at all.

So, here's my deal...

I'm using my Kindle Fire HDX...I have downloaded "The Room 2" (.apk and the "Data" is in a .zip file).
I w/o this game because someone told me that it could be d/l onto my KF HDX w/o using a computer & that I can install it (+ the data too) directly to my device using "ES File Explorer"- which I already have d/l onto my KF HDX...but I'm not using a computer + the KF HDX does not have a memory card...
Can you help me with this??
I was able to d/l "The Room" (the 1st one) + I had no problem. I played it + have just finished it, so now I really want to get started on the 2nd one...

If you can walk me through it, or tell me some other place to find how to do it, I would truly be grateful!!!!
But if you can't, I understand.

Either way, Thanks in advance!!!!

Have a nice day (y)



A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Re: Tutorial How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games

Please avoid talking like this d/l w/o...


1)You install the .apk file tapping on it (this is easy OK)

2)Now, Keep holding on the DATA file for 1-2 seconds (to select it) and a menu will appear. From here, choose "Extract Here"

3)Now you'll obatin a folder. Keep holding on it like you did in the previous step and this time select "Copy"

4)Press the "Back" button of your device to go out from the Download folder (the location of these files). You should be inside the "sdcard/" directory.

5)Go inside the "Android" folder

6)Go inside the "obb" folder

7)From the menu on the top, tap on "Paste here" (there could be a symbol instead of the text "Paste Here")

8)Launch the game!


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 9 years
Re: Tutorial How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games

Guy please help!
So i downloaded GTA Vice City on my LG G3 Android 5.0 and i did everything like in instruction.
I installed the app, moved cache folder to sdcard/Android/obb/
And when i lounch the game, it come up with message ''Download failed because you may not have purchased this app''.
What's wrong?


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Re: Tutorial How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games

Do you have a micro SD? If yes, try moving the game to the external storage going to settings->Apps->GTA


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 9 years
Re: Tutorial How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games

Download the game, let it install, don't paste the folder into the /obb folder yet. When the error pops up, close the game and move the folder to the direction where it belongs to be.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 9 years
I have downloaded Star wars Knights of the old republic. I keep getting a message saying validation fail you may not have purchased this app. I have the apk and the obb files just not sure where to put them. HELP!


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 9 years
Re: Tutorial How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games

There lies my problem I have no clue where to put it. I use Rar to move my files and such around. It shows up as com.ayspr.swkotor and it's under the data folder


A crazy scientist
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Re: Tutorial How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games

Could you tell me which files do you see inside this folder? Or do you see another folder?


Veteran Lv7️⃣
eBook Releaser
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Re: Tutorial How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games

You might have to disable license check with Lucky Patcher .
Normally, this error can be solved by downloading playstore version, uninstalling the PS version and then installing the mod, but this is a paid game, so you'll have to use Lucky Patcher on it.


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
Active User
Re: Tutorial How to Install APK and GAME CACHE Android Games

Raxx, all the games in our Games Area are SIGNED and Star Wars KOTOR is a paid game so none of your solution applies.


☠ Dark Lord ☠
Member for 9 years
aleverich34 said:
I have downloaded Star wars Knights of the old republic. I keep getting a message saying validation fail you may not have purchased this app. I have the apk and the obb files just not sure where to put them. HELP!

Read the Topic Again carefully as Sbenny showed the where to place OBB files,
You need to place your OBB file to InternalStorage/Android/OBB
Now after placing it install the APK,

if the OBB is in .ZIP format then you said you have "RAR" Application, Open RAR extract anywhere you wish, close the apk and move the OBB file you extracted to internalstorage/Android/OBB

if the error shows up again, the OBB must be Corrupted or something bad as you see the APK he signed as Sbenny Mentioned