NSFW/18+ eBook Kissing Sin (Riley Jenson Guardian #2) by Keri Arthur _epub

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eBook Description:
Two worlds: vampire and werewolf. Danger has never been so seductive!

From Melbourne’s gleaming skyscrapers to its throbbing nightclubs, Riley Jenson’s world is raging with danger and desire. A drop-dead-gorgeous werewolf—with a touch of vamp coursing in her blood—Riley works for an organization created to police the supernatural races. But when she wakes up naked and bruised in a barren alley, she knows only that she must run for her life.

Within moments Riley collides with the sexiest man she’s ever seen: steely, seductive Kade, who is fighting a life-and-death battle of his own. With old lovers and enemies gathering around her, Riley knows she is being pursued by a new kind of criminal. Because in Riley’s blood is a secret that could create the ultimate warrior—if only she can survive her own dangerous desires…