❓ Help Request Need a mod for Cursed Covenan,t

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x_x [ EᏒᏒOЯ: 410 ] x_x
Verified 18+ user
Member for 5 years
Not sure if I'm in the right spot for this (and if I'm not, I'm so sorry >_< ) but it's a PC game so I couldn't exactly post my request in the app request section. Not to mention I'm not sure if you guys are still doing PC games at all. The game is called Cursed Covenant, here's the link for it --> Link to Cursed Covenant on itch.io

I'm willing to pay 70,000 SB points to anyone who's willing to take up the request. Very much please and thank you so so much. TT^TT Whether or not this is ever seen or completed, you guys rock and you've always been amazing. Hope to hear back soon.