❓ Help Request Need this eBook [German] Jerry Cotton Series (Number: 3186 and onwards)

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In Love Lv4️⃣
eBook Releaser
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Member for 6 years
What's the name of the eBook you're asking for? [German] Jerry Cotton Series (Number: 3186 and onwards)

eBook Author: This series has many different authors.

Google Play/eBook Store link:
Additional notes (optional): I would be VERY grateful for, if somebody could fetch The Jerry Cotton e-books number 3186 and onwards in German language.

I've actually 8,040 SB Points, which i would happily give to someone, who would be able to help me with this. :)

Many thanks in advance!


In Love Lv4️⃣
eBook Releaser
Active User
Member for 6 years
I have released what I think is the book you want and it is awaiting approval.

I also have 3186-3189 but wanted to verify I'm getting the right things.
Thank you! :) What i now need is, 3196 - 3210. Those are somehow hard to come by. If you manage to get those, i'll happily give you SBPoints for them. :)


Novice Lv1️⃣
I've released the others I've mentioned but I did a quick look and found 3195 and then 3220 but not the range you want


In Love Lv4️⃣
eBook Releaser
Active User
Member for 6 years
No problem! I got them on my own so far. :)

My new "goal" is now to get all the numbers upwards beginning with #3213. lol