Out of the loop

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Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 6 years
I've recently come back and I've realized some eBook links are out of date but still available to buy/download.. Where should those be reported to? Also, if I were to replace said bad links with a new thread containing useable links, could I do so without it being taken down? Forgive my ignorance, and thank you for reading this post. Do with it what must be done!


♥️Mod LP From Sbennytopia♥️ SB Cartel Max Level ❤
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Hello welcome back! I have never released Ebook, but only mods but the procedure to follow is always the same: you don't have to remove the Link from the obzolets version but you can make the update request here in this section:

So that you can have the ebook of your choice updated

Or you can see here in this section

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