Suggestions for Improving is trusted by 1,442,541 happy users since 2014.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Hi everyone!

I’d like to share a few ideas that could help improve and make it an even better place for the community. One suggestion is adding new forum sections that cater to different interests. For example, a Game Modding Requests Hub could be useful for users looking for specific mods, making it easier for modders to see what’s in demand. A Tech & Customization Corner** could provide a space for discussions about device modifications, custom ROMs, and hardware tweaks. Additionally, a Gaming Discussion Zone would be great for talking about favorite games, strategies, and recommendations.

Community engagement is another area that could be enhanced. Introducing a "Mod of the Month" Contest could encourage modders to showcase their best work. A Q&A Section would help beginners get answers from experienced members, fostering a more interactive environment. Also, having a Bug Report & Fixes Thread could make it easier for users to report issues and find solutions efficiently.

Improving the website’s functionality could also enhance the user experience. Adding a Dark Mode Option would be helpful for those who prefer a darker interface, especially for late-night browsing. A Mobile-Friendly Interface Upgrade could make the forum smoother to navigate on phones and tablets. Lastly, enhancing the Search Functionality would allow users to quickly find specific mods or discussions without having to scroll through multiple pages.

These are just a few ideas, and I’d love to hear what others think. If anyone has additional suggestions, feel free to share them!


Mod Test Monster
✌️ Community Team
🎮 Testing Team
Member for 3 years
Hello dear @Jaydenchan , I read your comment carefully and smiled a little. Every item you recommend (including dark mode) is available on our site. I guess you didn't have a chance to look at it in detail or you copied and pasted another article here. But it's okay, it's still very nice of you to make a suggestion. If there is anything else besides these requests and suggestions, I will be waiting impatiently. With love :)

Yours truly ,


Lurker Lv0️⃣
"Thank you for your kind response! I genuinely appreciate the effort put into improving the site. I must have overlooked those features, so I'll take a closer look. If I come up with any other suggestions, I'll be sure to share them. Thanks again for your time!"