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3 little Angry Beards


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 5 years
Once upon a time there are 3 little Angry Bearded Man living
On a Angry made cabin they living there for many bearded years
But one day the barber guy came and wanted them to shave there
Bearded face but the 3 little angry bearded guy don't want to shave
There Bearded Face so the barber guy tried many tricks in order
For him to shave the angry 3 little bearded man angry beard

First attempt he baked cookies for them, but the 3 little angry bearded men don't eat
The cookies that was baked by barber man for them since it looks awfuly gross so they decide to put the barber man in there giant sling shoot him on a giant golden wall the damage done the barber man destroyed golden wall.

Second Attempt while sleeping he put sleeping powder on the well of the 3 little bearded men were they drinking every day, but that also failed since its tuesday every tuesday morning the 3 little bearded men don't drink water instead they drunk at local tavern navel juice. the dog own my 3 little bearded man said he saw the barber man put something on the well when they heard about this they look at the well and smell it then they found out smell s**t so they go to barber shop and bring the barber guy in there well they force him to drink all of the water in the well the barber guy sleep in effects of that powdered ahit he put on the well ao the second attemp failed too.

Third and last attemp the barber guy wont gave up yet so he tried one last time
he trick the 3 little angry bearded men into helping him on pushing the giant rock up in the hill but jill failed in falls down into the giant rock that is pushing by 3 little angry bearded men the giant rock roll down the hill but the 3 little bearded men save by there bearded face into a greater humiliation from rolling together down the hill but the barber guy and jill did not so lucky they flattened by the giant stone while the mayor of town forcing them to listine on ricky Ash lit song for eternity.

The 3 little bearded men back at there angry cabin.
And they all lived there happily ever after.
The destroyed wall who cause by the barber guy slowly fixing by the wall builder
which is asking for this damage to be payoff by his neigbors the Me ix con supermaker and taco generator.