NSFW/18+ eBook A Lovely Obsession (Debt of Passion Duet #1) by Coralee June

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eBook Description:
My guardian angel is a devil in disguise.
He hates me. He protects me.

He watches me.

My stalker is obsessed with keeping me safe. He calls me his prettiest debt.

An assassin in the notorious Bullet gang, he uses his empire to control my life. Everything I know is a lie.

What started as a debt turned into something more. What started as regret turned into obsession.

Ambition is his muse and I am his conscience. Our past may bind us together, but his enemies will tear us apart.

My guardian angel is a devil in disguise.
He hates me. He protects me.

And I think I love him.

Additional info:

Author: CoraLee June
Format: ePub
Category: Contemporary eBooks, Dark eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Romance eBooks, Suspense eBooks