NSFW/18+ eBook Ca'yal (Hell Hound Central #1) by Serena Simpson

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eBook Description:
Ivy was moving (she wasn’t running away from the a**hole who dumped her). Misty Hollow was the perfect place to start over, but she never expected the towns people to act like she was bringing the plague with her.
Then she met Ca’yal, and all bets were off. There was something strange about him and the town. Now she was determined to find out what, hopefully with Ca’yal by her side.

Ca’yal’s life was focused on work, that’s all there was for him. He never expected the female wiggling her rear to capture his attention. Now he can’t stop thinking about her and wondering what if. When she’s attacked by a vampire, everything changes. Now he’d give anything for one more minute with her.

Love might be wonderful if there wasn’t some evil trying to use it against them. If it has its way it will drain them; leaving them a soulless, powerless husk. They have to win, but it’s not that easy. The evil has a catch 22 that will drain them no matter what they do.

When your love has an expiration date is it still worth indulging in? Join Ca’yal and Ivy on a journey to find the answer.

Not recommended for under 18