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Create a team to develop a Mobile game


Modding Since 2017
Member for 6 years
This may or may not be noticed, but I figured, with all of the people able to mod apps/games, it would be a good idea to put together a team to develop a mobile (ios/android/windows) game. It can have IAP that benefits the team and the forum/community.

There are a billion ideas for games, pretty snazzy artists here (I am great with a pencil, and then okay in the digital form), and then we have to look at the programming part of it all, the development accounts (I have a windows dev account for publishing on windows/mobile), and all of the tid bits around it.

Ideas are the easy part:
Start a series like Battefield/Halo FPS with two parts (campaign with AI team, and online with teams). Add things like auto boosters when next to a team member and so on. IAP like Defiance Online.
Create an android game where the goal is to run a forum like SBENNY and have 2 mil members (and deal with all the trolls, make your modders happy to be loyal, yada yada)...

I can write game ideas all day long, then get into their stories, and keep on going, that part is easy.

Level design...
Character design..

all that stuff takes a team, though depending on the time frames set (e.g. 6 months, a week, whatever) you need a bigger team or just a small team that works on it in their free time.

I believe it can be done..


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 6 years
Love your idea. Hope you guys can make one.