NSFW/18+ eBook Just This Once (Wedding Date #3) by Mira Lyn Kelly (epub)

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eBook Description:
He can’t have her.
So he moves in with her…
What could possibly go wrong?

As heir to a chain of luxury hotels, Sean Wyse III always gets what he wants. So when he sees a freeloading roommate taking advantage of his spunky best friend, Molly Brandt, he doesn’t hesitate to step in. He kicks out the roommate…and moves himself in.

Molly loves quality time with Sean, but spending nights with him one wall away threatens to wake the crush she thought she’d gotten over. A crush Sean knows nothing about, which might be a problem…considering how hard Sean’s been working never to think of Molly that way.

*Note: this book has been turned into a visual novel with the alternate title of Billionaire Roommate by Chapters Interactive Stories (linked to app @ Sbenny's Forum).

Additional info:

Mira Lyn Kelly
Format: ePub
Category: Fiction eBooks, Romance eBooks
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