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~*~ Monster Hunters Training Exercise ~*~


?Freelance ? Writer ?
Active User
Member for 6 years
You are training to become part of a group of skilled monster hunters living in a dystopian city far in the future. As a training exercise, you and your group are dropped into a large quarantined area where supernatural creatures run rampant. The threat is real. The only thing each of you has on you is a small satchel with a pocket knife, a canteen, and two day's rations. You must survive in this area for 7 days. What do you do to survive? Write a short story about how you and your group live out those seven days.


SB Cash Farmer
Member for 5 years
We arrived at the location there are 12 of us there the first we notice is the place is crawling with Trisaurus these creatures has 3 horns on its fore head that can pierce even thickiest armor plate the force have.

the sooner we step out of our transporter all of them turn there attention to us and all of them attack us, we wont have time to even move they just slaughter everything they see moving.

The only thing left to me now is half my body it seems this is my last few words, who ever listened to these recorded message i told that this whole training was a disaster. [ End Transmission ].
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