NSFW/18+ eBook Ruthless (Playboys in Love #2) by Gina L. Maxwell

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eBook Description:
People call me Ruthless for a reason.

Whether in the court room or the bedroom, my reputation is well-earned. I’m either working hard, working out, or working my way into some woman's panties. Problem is, none of them share my particular kink, and I end up walking away unsatisfied.

Until I meet HER.

She’s a friend of a friend, which makes her off-limits until temptation takes me by the balls and I’m taking her up against a wall. She literally fucks my world off its axis, but I can’t let it happen again.

My plan of avoiding her got blown to s**t when my firm hired her as a new junior attorney. Now I’m her boss, and I have to act like I don’t want to bend her over my desk every five minutes.

But I’ve never held myself back from anything before, so consequences be damned. It’s time to take what we both want and show her just how damn good feels...to be RUTHLESS.