💬 Review Split

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King Chubbs

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Name of the movie you are reviewing: Split

A man by the name of Kevin Wendel Crumb has a multiple personality disorder. 23 personalities in total, and they lead him to kidnap three girls, preparing for a 24th more dangerous personality to arise, and conquer. A personality with the ability to do not human-like.

It was intense. The actor for Kevin (James Mcavoy) is really good at what he does. He was required to technically play 24 different characters, and all extremely different from one another. The plot, is very well thought out. It starts out, hinting at and uncertain, yet definite outcome. And as u further in the story, the number of possibilities increase, until you don’t know which one will happen. All of them, intriguing. Nearing the end, your heart races, as you try and conclude the story, as it baffles you to try and figure out, who is the 24th personality. Some personalities, seem to Be more willing to help the girls escape, and others are manipulating them to stay. Some, you may even take a liking to, and others you may hate. But the idea of multiple beings in one man, is interesting. Being able to interact with each one as if they’re separate people. In a sense, they are. But all in one body. Each, having different traits, that would only be possible if they were individual bodies. But Kevin, proves to be an example of how that is not always the case. In fact, In the movie, it explains how some cases similar to Kevin’s, people with this disorder, have the ability to change physically and internally. One personality may have severe OCD while the other may have cancer and another’s allergic to peanut butter. But none of them happen in any other personality but the one.

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes I would. 100%. If you’re looking for a unique story plot that draws you in with the outstanding acting, character development, and battles with oneself, and society, then this is for you.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐