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The Vengeance


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
Everything is black, there's nothing to see since void is the only companion he had. His name, he doesn't even what is his name, he doesn't even remember who he is. Confusion and curiosity is his only friend, looking around he doesn't see anything except darkness, he tries to remember why or how he his here, in this nothingness, and in this endless void. But found nothing, then he tried again digging and searching deep in his hazy mind then without a heads up he found what he his looking for, the memories flash to his head like a lightning, all the events of his life plays in his mind like a movie. Suffering, despair, sadness, pain, happiness, and love all of this emotion scramble their way to his heart like an arrow to its target, he felt everything at once like an insect creeping to its habitat. He felt all of them, but then its gone and leaves him in an agony that his body cannot take, everything is too painful, everything is blurry and hazy as the dread creeps its way to his heart. Without warning he felt it again, the pain, agony, despair, sadness, and loneliness all of it remains but happiness and love is the only one who left. He felt the rage in his heart after remembering what happened to him, why he is here, and why did this happened to him.

To be continue.....