NSFW/18+ eBook The Wedding Date Bargain (Wedding Date #2) by Mira Lyn Kelly (epub)

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eBook Description:
When Sarah Cole finds herself in Chicago with two months to kill before her New York promotion goes through, she decides it’s time to take care of a few things—like the inconvenient issue of her virginity. Sarah knows the right guy for the job too: Max, the notorious lady’s man she’s been crushing on since college.

Max Brandt is all for a fling, just not with Sarah. She’s way too good for him. He walked away from her once, but it wasn’t easy.

Things are different now, and the plan is so simple. There’s no way either of them would do something as silly as fall in love…

Additional info:

Author: Mira Lyn Kelly
Format: ePub
Category: Fiction eBooks, Romance eBooks