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L’black garlic it is a type of garlic produced through a process of prolonged fermentation of fresh garlic, at controlled temperatures and with high humidity. During fermentation, garlic loses its typical pungent flavor and acquires a sweeter and softer taste, as well as a dark colour. Black garlics have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their beneficial properties, as well as their unique flavor, which makes these fermented bulbs interesting and versatile ingredients in gourmet cuisine.

In this article, therefore, we see how black garlic is obtained, we know its properties and we analyze the different possibilities of using it in the kitchen.

What are the origins of black garlic?

The origins of black garlic are not entirely clear, but the fermentation process required to produce it is thought to have been developed in Asia, probably in Japan or Korea, many centuries ago.
Black colored garlic was originally produced as a traditional medicine, used for its purported ability to increase physical endurance and improve the immune system. Over time, this type of black has also started to be used in cooking, thanks to its unique flavor and nutritional properties.

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