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Carrots are tasty and nutritious vegetables widely used in cooking, but their leaves are often overlooked and thrown away. However, the carrot leaves they are a hidden treasure that offers numerous food benefits and can be used in creative ways in the kitchen. This article will explore the nutritional properties of carrot leaves and the different ways they can be used to add flavour, nutrition and variety to our culinary preparations.

From fresh salads to soups, from pestos to sauces, we’ll discover how to use this versatile and healthy ingredient, which deserves to be fully known and appreciated.

What properties do carrot leaves have?

Carrot field

Carrot leaves, or carrot tufts, are a valuable source of nutrients and have several food properties beneficial to health.
For one thing, they’re an excellent source of vitamin K, which plays a vital role in blood clotting and bone health. They also contain vitamin C, which supports the immune system and promotes collagen formation, and vitamin A, which is important for vision and skin health.
Carrot leaves are rich in minerals such as calcium, which is essential for bone health, and potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and fluid balance in the body.

The post continues on our Blog: Carrot leaves: what food properties they have and how to use them in the kitchen

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