Euphorbia trigona, cultivation and care of this succulent plant is trusted by 1,336,728 happy users since 2014.


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There Euphorbia trigonaalso known as euphorbia cacti or African milk plantis a charming and easy-to-grow succulent plant that is gaining popularity among indoor and garden plant enthusiasts. Native to the arid regions of West Africa, this plant has a distinctive shape and unique appearance, making it a stunning addition to any plant collection.
In this article, we’ll explore the cultivation and care needed to keep this plant healthy. From choosing the ideal soil to proper light exposure and watering, we’ll learn everything you need to know to ensure vigorous growth of this succulent plant.

We will start with an overview of the history and characteristics of Euphorbia trigona, to better understand its natural environment and its specific needs.

How is the Euphorbia trigona plant made?

Euphorbia trigona rubra

Euphorbia trigona rubra

Euphorbia trigona is a succulent plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. It is native to West Africa, especially Cameroon and Togo. One of the distinguishing features of the plant is its unique shape. It grows upright, developing one or more central triangular stems that can reach a considerable height. In fact, in nature, the plant reaches 2-3 m in height.

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