How-To: Bypass Kemco Anti-Tamper & License Check is trusted by 1,339,865 happy users since 2014.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
KEMCO'S ANTI-TAMPER (Invincible enemies & disabled shop):
Kemco uses a native signature check to verify integrity. They also include a visual indicator to quickly identify valid or tampered apps. If the app is tampered with, then the version code will have an 'a' at the end (e.g., 1.1.1ga). You can usually view the version somewhere in the options menu.

Lucky Patcher has recently implemented a signature killer option based on ApkSignatureKiller. (

1.) Copy original target APK to Lucky Patcher device
2.) Open LP
3.) Select 'Rebuild & Install' (bottom right)
4.) Locate target APK
5.) Select 'Rebuild'
6.) Select 'Re-sign with test signature.'
7.) Select 'Signature verification killer'
8.) :D

1.) Use il2cppDumper and IDA (or Ghidra)
2.) Locate 'crack_chk' (or similar) and set the return value to 0.
3.) :D

LICENSE PATCH (Paid apps only):
1.) Locate <meta-data android:name="authCode" android:value="Android"/> in AndroidManifest
2.) Change to <meta-data android:name="authCode" android:value="Disabled"/>
3.) :D

That's it! Now you can freely mod and share paid Kemco games.



In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 7 years
So why don't you share the latest kemco game since axiom can't update anymore , i just lazy to do that and my phone is root+custom room , and you will get sb point when you share the game, thnks and good luck for your tutorial.


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
Thank you. So far worked for Crystareino. I'm going to finish playing it first before I mod another one.


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
Thank you. So far worked for Crystareino. I'm going to finish playing it first before I mod another one.
Sadly doesn't work for newer Kemco games, like Fortuna Magus and Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom, atleast for LP. For the next two methods, what applications should be used? Are those apps on mobile?


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
Sadly doesn't work for newer Kemco games, like Fortuna Magus and Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom, atleast for LP. For the next two methods, what applications should be used? Are those apps on mobile?
Correctly implemented signature spoofing will always defeat Kemco's anti-tamper.

Firstly, you must be sure the APKs are the originals and untouched for OPTION #1 to work. There is a 'Fortuna Magus' v1.0.4g APK floating around the net which is actually modded by @Morthis (but leechers ripped his credit toast) and the Sand Kingdom v1.10g one might be mine. Leecher sites like ANDROEED resign all their apps and advertise them as untouched/paid, so they are no good.

Secondly, LP may fail to correctly implement the signature spoofing even though it says it does. If you don't see the 'Patching dex...' dialog or the process seems to complete very quickly, it most likely didn't actually work. This is an issue with APKTOOL and/or LP.

Alternatively, you can try ApkSignatureKiller ( directly, but this requires a computer and a little bit of setup.

To manually mod the signature check you can follow OPTION #2 for Kemco's newer apps built with Unity, but this also requires a computer. There are tutorials available everywhere and it requires advanced modding knowledge. Older apps still implement the signature check in the SMALI code and can be edited manually with either a phone or computer, but you will need to find the check yourself. Searching 'signatures' is a good start.

Hope that helps :)


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 5 years
Can't find <meta-data android:name="authCode" android:value="Android"/>, I think it is not Unity made, the game is Shelter ra the Sky world and license check always fails even remove license verification with LP and none of them will work or unchanged. Shop not working, Invincible first boss will punished me. Here is my screen shot


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
You are correct. Kemco games were not developed with Unity until only a few years ago, therefore the license check will need to be manually patched in the SMALI code if for some reason LP doesn't work.

The provided LP anti-tamper technique currently works with all Kemco games, thus preserving store availability and normal enemy behavior. Again, the target APK must be an original!

The only version of 'RPG Shelterra the Skyworld' I could find is v1.1.0g from 4PDA, and it is not an untouched APK:

There is also at least one other version v1.1.0g available on other sites that is infected with AdFlex and has 22 hits on VirusTotal. I hope you don't have that one.

If you would like converse via PM, I'm sure we can easily resolve this matter.



In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 2 years
Does this also work with newser Kemco games like Alvestia & Asdivine Kimura - where they got a whole area with 1 hit kill enemies?


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years

Currently, Kemco's anti-tamper is only a signature check. A properly injected signature spoofing mechanism will defeat the anti-tamper for all Kemco games. LP is one such option, as detailed above.

'Asdivine Kamura' was developed with Unity, so both anti-tamper options #1 & #2 are viable. I'm not sure about the other game, but the same logic applies (see my previous replies regarding non-Unity Kemco games). And only Kemco's paid games developed with Unity benefit from the license option #3.



Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 1 year
How to mod kemco rpg crystareino, tried lucky patcher
Looking at their new game it seem all require internet connection at start.

Some require additional download too. They moving to a Advertisment popup model instead of the previous instant PayforRareItem.