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There olive fly (Bactrocera oleae) it is a dreaded insect that infests olive crops in many regions of the world, causing serious damage to olive and olive oil production. These pests can compromise the quality and quantity of the crop, leading to significant economic losses for olive growers. Fortunately, there are several strategies for controlling for eliminate the olive flyand one of the most effective and environmentally sustainable solutions is the use of food traps.
Food traps are devices designed to attract and capture olive flies using attractive food baits. These traps exploit the natural behavior of flies, which are attracted to the scents and flavors of fermented protein foods. Once drawn into the traps, the flies are trapped and unable to get out.

This article will explore in detail how food traps can be used to eliminate the olive fly by mass trapping. We’ll also provide practical tips to maximize trap effectiveness and minimize infestation.

What to put in the traps to eliminate the olive fly?

Food traps represent an effective and ecologically sustainable method for the control of the olive fly (Bactrocera oleae) and other harmful insects such as the fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) .

The post continues on our Blog: How to eliminate the olive fly with food traps

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