Kapok (Ceiba pentandra). Botanical characteristics and uses of the fiber

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The tree of kapok (Ceiba pentandra) belongs to the botanical family of Malvaceaesubfamily of Bombacoideae. The species is native to South America, where it was considered sacred by the Maya civilization, due to the belief that the souls of the dead, climbing the branches of the kapok, would have reached heaven. Today this tree is widespread in all tropical areas of the world, from Africa to South-East Asia, where it is cultivated for the precious natural fiber obtained from the fruit. In non-tropical areas, however, only the final product is used. In popular culture, moreover, it is known to be the tree with the trunk covered with thorns.

So let’s see everything there is to know about this interesting tree crop.

Botanical description of kapok


The kapok is a large tree that can even reach 60-70 m in height (on average 30-40 m), with a large thorny trunk up to 3-5 m in diameter. At the base of the trunk there are long support formations, very imposing and which make the tree look monumental. The thick and robust branches are very spread out and almost horizontal, arranged in stages and also covered with thorns.

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