When to collect aubergines in the garden?

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The eggplant , with their elegant shape and vibrant color, they are a popular plant in home gardens. Grown for the tasty and versatile berry, eggplants add a touch of unique flavor and texture to many recipes in the kitchen. But when is the right time to collect the eggplants in the garden?
Harvesting aubergines requires some care and knowledge, as the flavour, texture and ripeness can vary greatly depending on when they are picked from the plants. Harvesting aubergines in the best way is essential to obtain excellent results both in terms of taste and quality.

In this article, we’ll explore the hallmarks that indicate eggplant maturity and provide helpful tips on when to harvest them from the garden. From color to texture, through the size and shine of the skin, we will discover how to identify ripe aubergines ready to be harvested.

How much does an aubergine plant produce on average?

freshly picked aubergines

The average yield of an eggplant plant can vary greatly depending on several factors, including growing conditions, variety, care provided, and garden management practices.
In general, when grow an eggplant plant, you can expect to harvest at least 6 to 10 eggplants during the growing season.

The post continues on our Blog: When to collect aubergines in the garden?

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