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Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 6 years
@Sbenny I think threatening a member of legal suit for obviously no reason does lead to ban in most forum is it still the case here @Choicer
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I didn't threaten a member, and if I did make anyone feel threatened I apologise.

So then you guys admit you're fine pirating game from small, honest companies who don't even make enough money to make a legal claim against copyright, even though that's super cheap to do? Wow. That's super great ethics there.

You posted a lot of short replies, in a row, that didn't contribute. That's why you were banned.

But Sbenny as a site does make mods for money. And you're right, loopholes-- people don't pay for mods, they pay for access/ membership. Except you can buy a mod $20.
So perhaps the compensation would be each game modded * $20 +punitive fees added on.

And that isn't how the law works in this case, at all.
Have u ever read contract act , it full of loophole and it is civil stuff what do u think will happen put in jail, block the site in the end nothing will happen cause police has lot of stuff in their hands already and believe it or not cog is not the only company , as I said u can get latest version of Microsoft software cracked and still nothing will happen .stop thinking that law will help and as far as I know of law to claim a penny u must prove the loose involved to u can u do it , who knows might there be only one person who actually used that mod 😏 who knows ....what u going to pay lakh to recover 100 lol
And I am out of here
so bye have a nice time here well as long as u can 😏
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Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 6 years
Hey I'm not here trying to hurt your community or threaten anyone-- again I apologise if anyone does feel threatened.

I am here to contribute, and not to just 'leech'

I've offered to help improve current mods and do new ones as long as you verify the user has purchased the game with CoG/HG, which shouldn't be an issue as Axiom and others say it's not about the free game, it's about the fun and challenge of modding, which I 100% agree with.


G̴̠͂l̶̙̋ȉ̷̲t̷̰͂c̶̮͊ȟ̶̪ê̵͙d̷̰̿ ̴͉̈Ơ̵̟u̵̮̕t̵̼̊
From the Hell
SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Man this turned into more of a thing than i thought it would.
I try my best to not sound like an a**h*** when i say things as i do try to respect people and their work.
I dont feel the need to verify that others have purchased the app or game legally.
That is on them, not me.

Some people over on the CoG forum says"oh this guy thinks he's a writer" and then posted a link to my profile page. Thinking most likely i put that there for fun or because I'm modding CoG games.

What they didn't know is that, yes i am an actual writer. I've had several poems published and a friend and i wrote a book together and had it published digitally through Amazon.

And for every legal download, i found it on other sites download 10 times more.
So i know how these guys feel, but many of them are just out right attacking me without any knowledge of who I am and what I've done and what i do. They just think of me as a despicable person. Only a few were respectful and i appreciate that.

When i found my book for free download, i asked them to link it back to my Amazon page so if they liked it enough, maybe they would buy it. I never asked for its removal as i thought of it as free advertising.

Sure, i lost some revenue, but people got to read my story and many of them i believe came back to purchase it.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 6 years
Okay I'll reply on the forum I use but 1) Most people were being mean exactly because they know what you do.
I'm sorry if it upset you, I'm not saying you deserved mean comments, people just found stuff kinda ironic/ funny (e.g. don't steal mods)

Legally, you do have a responsibility as you are the one sharing the application, and morally I'd argue you do too (I find it akin to ID'ing people for an alcoholic drink)

And hey, you let people -play your game for free. That's really nice and I'm sure helped out your poorer fans, but that doesn't mean you can pirate anything unless they say know. It's the other way around irl due the Copyright and Commerical License Laws/

That doesn't mean the writers at CoG can afford to have their games given away for free- verifying they've paid before sending the mod would thus help both communities.
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And for some reason the mod closed the thread for 6 hours, so you'll have to respond here @Axiom


G̴̠͂l̶̙̋ȉ̷̲t̷̰͂c̶̮͊ȟ̶̪ê̵͙d̷̰̿ ̴͉̈Ơ̵̟u̵̮̕t̵̼̊
From the Hell
SB Mod Squad ⭐
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I went to reply over at CoG and the thread is closed again, most likely due to all the personal attacks on me.

This is what i was gonna say and what i will post once it re-opens.

"I know I'm not welcome here, but i came in hopes of having a polite conversation. I never put anyone down. I admitted my mistake of thinking Andy was a forum troll and i said why i thought that and corrected it.

I didnt come here to justify why i mod or even to really explain it either. But i thought maybe if i gave some explanation it would open a line of communication.

But aside from a few nice people, I've been completely flogged and put down at every chance. I have writer in my forum profile because I've actually written poems, short stories that were published and I've digitally published a book through Amazon and Yes, i found it ripped off on days.

That said, it by no means is me trying to justify why i mod, patch or crack games/apps. Its just for your information.

I am done posting here as i know i will not be treated fairly or respected in any manner except by those few aho have already show it.

I commend Andy for coming over to my forum and directly asking people what cheats they would want. And im glad he said he could do them better than me, because its true. Its his game and he knows it best.
Thank you @andymwhy for reaching out to those who want cheats, even if you or others dont understand the appeal of them, you made an effort and i hope they give you the feedback that they give me.

Thank you for having me here. 😃"


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 6 years
Ey "Axiom Lovers" (since we are haters you must be lovers), did you see Axiom insulting, being mean or something like that in any moment?
Nope, you know why? Because he understands that this must be treated peacefully, if you have any respect for Axiom be like him.


G̴̠͂l̶̙̋ȉ̷̲t̷̰͂c̶̮͊ȟ̶̪ê̵͙d̷̰̿ ̴͉̈Ơ̵̟u̵̮̕t̵̼̊
From the Hell
SB Mod Squad ⭐
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@Nevantyr - I want to thank you for being as calm and polite as you have been and for trying to understand both sides of this discussion.

@Choicer I want to thank you for your offer of help in modding games with your stipulation to people providing a receipt of purchase. I'm not saying no because I didn't think about it, in fact I thought about it before, but that in itself brings more problems as it is easy to forge or fake pics. I wouldn't have the time to verify each one, nor do I really want to. If people want to pay, they will pay, if they don't they won't.

It's not my place to force them to. Some of this forums members do provide cracked or fully paid apps. I can't speak for them, but I can speak for me, when I say, I purchase my apps and share the link to the backup copies. I didn't always do that, but I changed my stance on a few things and now I make sure all my app/game links I share are mine and were purchased.

@charr - I want to thank you for your appreciation on my mods and what I contribute to this forum. I thank you for standing up and defending this forum and myself, but do please try to do it politely as we do not want to sink to others low levels. And please continue to purchase and support the game developers/authors. They really do make some very fun games. Thank you.

As for forums rules, most are flexible and nobody gets banned for saying "thank u, instead of thank you" and a sentence or two in caps is ok, but a whole 5 paragraphs is not. Let's not bicker about that stuff. If any rules were seriously broken, Sbenny or a moderator would inform us. This thread is highly watched.

On the other forum people have outright called me names and brought my modding skills into question and called me a liar, thief and other things. I'm not throwing the mud back. They can say what they want about me.
For whatever errors my mods cause, I try to fix them as soon as I can and I do test them as much as I can, so that they don't happen, but I can not play every game to it's fullest, nor can I guarantee that all mod features will not cause some undesired effect or error. No modder can, nor can any dev of a game, that's why there is testing and updates.

I've looked over the Make your own games files at CoG and I am studying the code and hoping to make my own game one day and release it.
Between now and then, I have a choice, so I make the game ad based? Do I add an IAP option to remove ads? Do I just make the game straight up cost a few bucks? After reading a lot of people responses I figure I might just have it down to full free game with minimal, non intrusive ads with those IAP option to remove them. I will add a cheat menu or cheat function of some sort for free, maybe it will come auto unlocked or maybe you will need to tap the screen in certain spots to unlock it and maybe you can unlock also by just playing the game once. Also I will be adding a back button for people who just didn't like the choice they made, similar to how Delight Games work.

Thank you for reading my rant, lol :D

***My Final Stance On This Topic***
I've read every post on here and on the CoG forum. I've read all personal messages and I've thought a lot about this. No matter which way I fall some people will be mad. I'm not afraid to make people angry has I'm already doing a good job at it {if you read the the hate I'm getting, lol}
Aside from a few good people, everyone over there has done nothing but bad mouth this site, I can take the abuse about me, but this site and the people who run it and my friends and I won't stand for that.

Out of respect for the two authors who were genuine and respectful, I will no longer use LP {LuckyPatcher} to pre-patch my mods from CoG/Hosted. If you want the full free version, there are tutorials out there to show you, it's not hard.

I will include a message in all my posts going forward from this point encouraging people to purchase the app/game if they like the story and support those Authors who worked hard to bring them that story {I know what it's like, I've been there} and to leave honest and helpful feedback. I understand that these aren't just "games" to them, they are their way of living. It may not seem like much to offer, but I do believe that since some of the CoG family is showing politeness and respect, that those who follow my post, that those who are true friends and followers, the will purchase those apps/games.
Not everyone who replies to a post really cares, but I know my true followers do and I thank them for that.

AMWhy asked people here what cheats/mods they would like to see in his update. I suggest you take him up on that offer and send him a message on what you want. He was courageous enough to come here and ask, I'd like to think our members here are respectful enough to answer him.

Out of respect to my friends and followers here, I will continue to mod these types of games and post them as such.
There is no way either side is going to win in this discussion outright and we all will always see things differently.
I believe this is me being as fair as I can to both sides. And I know people are going to copy and paste this to other "forums" and pick apart everything I said and completely roast me. To that I say, I don't care. Hate me all you want. I did more than most any other modder would have and actually tried to comprise on a no win situation. Others would have just created fake accounts and started a s*** war with everyone.

And no I don't think I'm being high and mighty because you think what I'm doing is wrong and I should feel bad or guilty and that this piece of s*** thief thinks he is being as fair as he can be and that I should just stop. Go ahead and pick apart every piece of what I said, only quote what you want and flame each small section out of context.

Lastly and once more. Thank you to those two Authors who were polite and respectful.
To everyone else there, Have a Nice Day :D

This thread will be closed soon as this topic has reached it's end.
Thank you all for joining me in this discussion.
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G̴̠͂l̶̙̋ȉ̷̲t̷̰͂c̶̮͊ȟ̶̪ê̵͙d̷̰̿ ̴͉̈Ơ̵̟u̵̮̕t̵̼̊
From the Hell
SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Member for 8 years
Oh, I'm sorry to both of you. I have read so many posts, it looks like I got a few mixed up. *Fixed* :D
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