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All right, as mentioned the other day! Two methods for heart farming using the @Legacy mod. A few notes to start:

- You only get hearts for completing chapters that are currently up as romance quests. If you're not sure where to find those, I go over that under each method. There are usually bigger quests with higher rewards on weekends or special events.
- Also, if you're lazy like me, there are some great name generators out there for when you're prompted to name the protagonist of a series you're not particularly invested in. xD You can always rename them later if need be.


SUPER FAST FORWARD METHOD [For any platform - phone, emulator, etc.]

So, here's a quick gif recording my screen while I ran through the steps in case a visual is better. I had to link rather than post due to the filesize, and I left the click animation on to make it easier to follow.

Written steps, all in one place:
- Go to the challenge/trophy icon in the top right, then to 'My stats' to see available quests
- Click on a character icon to bring up their next episode
- In that episode, immediately hit 'fast forward' - super-fast mode will automatically be on
- Hit random non-heart answers
- Repeat for the target number of episodes, since you have infinite tickets
- The heart icon will start bouncing when the number is reached; click it to collect the hearts
- Repeat as needed

(The example I use is s01e08 of Juliette from Villainous Nights, if anyone wants to not take a chance on spoilers - not that you can see much with super-fast-forward. )



A quick disclaimer: there are almost certainly more advanced or more clever ways to do this, but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. Also, other emulators likely have their own macro tools built in, and I can't imagine that the process would be all that different.

Just in case anyone isn't familiar with the macro tool in Bluestacks, I'll be including how-tos on that part - so if you are familiar with it, congrats! You'll be able to skip a lot.

If not: a macro is essentially you pre-recording a set of actions for the game to run on its own so you can just sit back and relax. We're going to do a simple one that just says 'click this spot over and over again until I say stop' - if you have tap effect on, maybe turn it off, as a ghost hand repeatedly mashing purple waves into the screen can look kind of trippy. xD

Two caveats to using an autoclicker:
a) Since the outfit-option games try to trip you up, you'll have to manually click for those (I'll show why below).
b) Wicked Lawless Love has new mechanics with things like multi-option lists or special selections, and I haven't checked if this'll work as those characters haven't popped up in the list of quests yet.

1 - Go into the sidebar > Game controls > Open advanced editor.

2 - Choose 'tap spot' and assign it whatever key you want. Put it as close to this location as possible (note: it'll shift a little when you leave the editor and go back to the game - this is normal, check screenshot above for reference). You can make the button more transparent using the 'opacity' slider in Game Controls, but I'm leaving it fully opaque for this example.

This exact location is important - it hits whatever the last conversation option is regardless of whether there are two lines or three. It needs to be last because sometimes there are three lines and the top two cost hearts, and it needs to be centered because the outfit-option games (Speakeasy Tonight, To Love + Protect) sometimes swap whether the left or right option costs hearts. Found this out the hard way.

3 - Click on Macro recorder > Record new macro.

4 - Mash the key you assigned to the tap spot a whole bunch for 2-3 seconds, then hit 'stop' in the top bar.

5 - When the macro window pops back up, rename your new macro whatever you'd like. Go into the options for it (the gear icon to the right) and set it to loop forever and run at 5x, then save.

6 - Go to the list of available romance quests (top right trophy icon, 'My stats' tab).

7 - Click a character's icon to bring up their next episode and press the start/ticket icon. Open the macro window, press 'play,' and do other things while you let it run! No need to hit fast-forward, as the macro takes care of that automatically.

I also did a quick gif recording my screen to show what it's like while the macro runs through an episode (if you're worried about spoilers: Chance from Gangsters in Love s02e09). As you'll see, you only need to click for things like starting the next episode, collecting hearts from completed quests, and outfit choices. You can still click on those while the macro is running - no need to stop it - but some things may be annoying because it'll still be doing the 'click this spot over and over' in addition to whatever you're trying to do. xD

Hope this can be useful to folks!
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Wow this is super detailed! Thank you for taking your time to explain all of this, I am sure many people will benefit from this. :)
Happy to help! I figured that if I get so much out of having a mod for the game, the least I can do is put some effort back in. =)
@tinyfierce first of all thank you very much
but please can you send me a link or a name or anything for the auto clicker please ?
@tinyfierce and can i use it in an android phone or just pc or something??
@Sama there is an app in adroid that you can use, is called click assistant
This inspired me to play arround with an auto-clicker, and if you position one spot over the heart on the bottom line (to collect harts), one spot over the story icon thing to open the story, one spot over the button to start the chapter (as close to the right as posible, to not click on outfit choices), one spot in the cross to close the pop-up window and one spot close to the center for choices; and you let the clicker rapidly click one spot after the other, you can leave it mostly unatended for long stretches of time :)
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
oh thank you very much
can you capture a screenshot or something and show me the positions of every spot please ???
@NaiDNV That's an awesome setup! What do you do about the times it'll hit outfit choices that cost hearts, or characters with special episodes that cost ~15-20 hearts instead of tickets? I'm guessing it might be worth it to just take the losses, if it doesn't make too much of a dent in what the autoclicker is earning.
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@tinyfierce so far it has never happened, all the outfit heart choices I've seen were in the right and only regular ticket chapters, so for now it seems worth it !