Recent content by PixelYT is trusted by 1,332,239 happy users since 2014.
  1. PixelYT

    📖 Tutorial C++ Android and iOS Game Hacking MEGATHREAD

    Updated thread: Added a table of contents
  2. 📖 Tutorial C++ Android and iOS Game Hacking MEGATHREAD

    I decided to compile every C++ Android and iOS Game Hacking Tutorial that I find into one megathread. I will give credit to the creator of each tutorial and I will also specify which tutorial is Android and which is iOS. This idea was partially inspired by Tiuu, Jbro129, and myself. Something...
  3. PixelYT

    A very old graphic I created back in 2015

    I played IGI 1 when I was young, it was my first FPS game, and then I also discovered Plants vs Zombies and I really love those games
  4. PixelYT

    📖 Tutorial Hooking Tutorial For Beginners

    The tutorial is updated now, take a look at it.
  5. PixelYT

    📖 Tutorial Hooking Tutorial For Beginners

    Tutorial is a little bit outdated and not very helpful for those who are new to hooking, so maybe i'll try to create a better (if I can ;p) tutorial that shows how to modify fields and hack using function pointers!
  6. PixelYT

    📖 Tutorial LGL Mod Menu with text animation

    By "I am not a noobie" I meant that I know how to hook, how to modify fields, know a fair amount of ARM assembly, can hack using function pointers, and I have successfully already implemented 3 different mod menu templates. Again, I said that I didn't just want this for myself but because it'll...
  7. PixelYT


    i love this game.
  8. PixelYT

    i randomly came across here lul

    i randomly came across here lul
  9. PixelYT

    📖 Tutorial LGL Mod Menu with text animation

    Make a live offset tester like this for android. This isn't just me asking you to make me a mod because i am a noobie, i am not. I am asking you because this will benefit not just me but the community entirely. Its much better to make something that will benefit everyone as a whole instead of...
  10. PixelYT

    📖 Tutorial Hooking Tutorial For Beginners

    maybe I will make video tutorial or write a more explanatory tutorial myself (although this tutorial by Shmoo explains everything much better than I can)
  11. PixelYT

    wow you are from, nice to see that.

    wow you are from, nice to see that.
  12. PixelYT

    is soup a drink?

    Soup is a mixture of both liquid and solid, the water is liquid and thus a drink and the other materials (like chickpeas and chicken) are solid. I don't know if lava is wet but I don't know that it's basically fire (which is mostly gas) in a liquid state.