Recent content by baegusa is trusted by 1,334,057 happy users since 2014.
  1. 💬 Review maybe: Interactive Stories

    Name of the app you are reviewing: maybe: Interactive Stories Maybe is an interactive stories app that features numerous stories that the user can make various choices in. Review: - The biggest flaw of this game is definitely the cost of diamond choices and customizations. The cost of a...
  2. 💬 Review Romance Club: Stories I play

    Name of the app you are reviewing: Romance Club: Stories I play Romance Club is another choice style, interactive story game that allows players to "choose their path". Review: Well.. I've played my fair share of these interactive games and have to admit to this ranking low on the list of...
  3. 💬 Review Love Sick: Interactive Stories

    Name of the app you are reviewing: Love Sick: Interactive Stories Love Sick is a visual novel game where you can interact and make choices through each story. The game features customizable characters and a variety of stories to choose from. Review: Love Sick is one of many of the...
  4. 💬 Review Choices: Stories You Play

    Name of the app you are reviewing: Choices: Stories You Play Choices is an interactive visual novel mobile game. It allows you to play through a variety of stories, with a customizable main character, and make choices. Review: Choices has, by far, some of the best stories and art of the...
  5. 💬 Review Avengers: Endgame

    Name of the movie you are reviewing: Avengers: Endgame Avengers: Endgame is the finale of the series and starts after the events of Avengers: Infinity War. The Avengers have to find a way to bring back their comrades and defeat Thanos once and for all. Review: If you haven't seen the...
  6. Hello!

    Title of your introduction thread: Hello!How did you find us? Was looking for Lovestruck and stumbled on here! Which types of games do you usually play? All types! Specifically RPGs and VNs Something about me: Well...I like traveling and would love to go overseas again