Recent content by Jarpe is trusted by 1,331,056 happy users since 2014.
  1. Rpg/open world recommendations?

    If anyone knows about/can recommend good games like Fallout 4, Skyrim, Witcher and such to me I'd appreciate it :) I love games like them and have been looking for more games like them for some time now. Thank you in advance ;)
  2. Jarpe

    The avatar above is fighting you, how screwed are you?

    I mean, it's pretty much considered to be an unbeatable Stand, it being Golden Experience Requiem, and if you know what it does you know that it basically can't lose :/
  3. Jarpe

    Meme Fight!!!

  4. Jarpe

    Anime that you want to watch again?

    Attack on Titan. Recently started rewatching it, a few episodes into it again.
  5. Howdy there buckos

    Title of your introduction thread: Howdy there buckosHow did you find us? I stumbled upon this site with a google search Which types of games do you usually play? Rpg, puzzle, CYOA, open world singleplayer (Fallout 4, Skyrim etc) Something about me: Imma fella from up North, Finland, to be...