Recent content by Loxxi is trusted by 1,334,253 happy users since 2014.
  1. Loxxi

    Mod apk BitLife - Life Simulator +4 Mod

    Thank you! Works great. :D
  2. Loxxi

    😻Favorite Pet Kind🐶

    Snakes. Li'l nope noodles. :D Also them multi-legged fuzzy scuttlers of all sizes, spiders. ❤ Also, I have a clingy cat, His Majesty Cooper Kitty the First.
  3. Loxxi

    LP mod apk Age of Procreation DX - Upbringing Simulation

    It means In-App Purchase. :) You can hover over some terms with a green i for more information.
  4. 💬 Review Jimi-Kare : My Quiet Boyfriend

    Name of the app you are reviewing: Jimi-Kare : My Quiet Boyfriend In Jimi-Kare, the player trains her quiet, reclusive, pessimistic, and shy childhood friend Nao Utsumi for the sake of winning a beauty contest-where one boy and one girl will receive their collective titles as Miss and...
  5. Loxxi

    LP mod apk Age of Procreation DX - Upbringing Simulation

    Took some figuring out and finagling, found out the LP link provided is outdated. :) Besides that, works awesome! <3
  6. Loxxi

    First Videogame you Played?😁

    RIP Pikmin :C I played it to the ground.
  7. Loxxi

    Do you guys have a favourite movie

    Duder. Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms pwns my list. It's epic. And sad. But epic.
  8. Loxxi

    What is your favorite anime of all time?

    I have a lot of favorites. Off the top of my head would be-in no particular order-Kingdom Series, Overlord, Fruits Basket, Kimetsu no Yaiba, FMA, One Punch, Reincarnated as a Slime, Gegege no Kitaro....yeah....the list goes on and on. I'm currently watching Assassination Classroom. :3
  9. Loxxi

    HOLO Everybody

    Thank you! :D
  10. HOLO Everybody

    Title of your introduction thread: HOLO EverybodyHow did you find us? Lots of googling. Which types of games do you usually play? Uh, it can vary. A lot. I love gaming. Something about me: I love games. :D I love anime. I love manga and webtoons. :D