Recent content by TheInfinityUser is trusted by 1,330,805 happy users since 2014.
  1. Opening .zst files from C.A.T.S by ZeptoLab

    I found these files while browsing the assets of the apk of this game called Crash Arena Turbo Stars and would like to know how to decode and open these animation files. I have already found something online to decode them which is this website - ZPS File Extension - What is it? How to open a...
  2. Getting the assets folder in shadow fight 2 2.9.0 and versions above

    I have seen a lot of videos on youtube where people use the assets folder in the root directory /data/data/com.nekki.shadowfight to hack the game. And I want to know, is it possible to get it in the latest versions. It can be used to heavily mod the game including backgrounds, weapon textures...
  3. T

    Activating cheat menu in shadow fight 2

    I want to create a button to call that function. How can I do so?
  4. T

    Activating cheat menu in shadow fight 2

    How do I call that function then?
  5. Activating cheat menu in shadow fight 2

    I found this portion of code in dnSpy when I opened the assemblycsharp dummy dll file after using il2cpp dumper to dump the of shadow fight 2. // Token: 0x0200020C RID: 524 [Token(Token = "0x200020C")] public class CheatsPanel : MonoBehaviour { // Token...
  6. Hacking Shadow Fight 2 users.xml

    I need a detailed tutorial on how to hack shadow fight 2 by editing the users.xml file and getting to play raids and other stuff even after hacking it. The features I want are - > all obtainable weapons unlocked > all obtainable armors unlocked > all obtainable helms unlocked > all obtainable...
  7. Tiny Rails all unlocked hack

    How can I hack the game files of Tiny Rails to get all engines, some amount of all cars and one of all cabooses? Tiny Rails was made in unity and unfortunately doesn't use the assembly_csharp.dll file. Instead, it uses lib2cpp.dll file to (I think) store all the gamedata.