Recent content by ZenoviaMisa is trusted by 1,336,934 happy users since 2014.
  1. ZenoviaMisa

    Hello 😊 I like your profilepic he is Julian righ?

    Hello 😊 I like your profilepic he is Julian righ?
  2. ZenoviaMisa

    Hi, I am new here

    That's turn out really fast :LOL:
  3. ZenoviaMisa

    Hi, I am new here

    *Malik voice* : Novice
  4. ZenoviaMisa

    Oh, thank you☺️☺️

    Oh, thank you☺️☺️
  5. ZenoviaMisa

    Hi, I am new here

    Thank you☺️☺️ 1593066547 Hii and thank you😏
  6. ZenoviaMisa

    [MEDIA] It may be irrevelant but ı want to share so this is a video I made about HunterxHunter...

    It may be irrevelant but ı want to share so this is a video I made about HunterxHunter. What if yorknew-spider arc be filmed like a trail:coffee::sneaky:
  7. ZenoviaMisa

    Great place

    Great place
  8. ZenoviaMisa

    Hi, I am new here

    Thank you 😆 this was a warming welcome for me
  9. ZenoviaMisa

    Hi, I am new here

    Well actually I started the arcana and I was watching old vines that people edit and then I saw some player talking to how to get coins and I saw the link ı click so yep I came here
  10. ZenoviaMisa

    Try to understand... But already like it

    Try to understand... But already like it