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  1. ❓ Help Request Need a MOD APK for Apper

    What's the name of the app you're asking help for? Apper Is this app playable online only? Yes and No: Internet is not required to play it but it's required for some events I need the mod for. Is this a paid app? No Google Play link...
  2. When Hello and Goodbye Collided

    When I was young I learned that paradoxes are absurd propositions - heaven and earth can never take up the same space. Since then, I found myself falling in love with contradictions. Oil and water can never kiss - didn’t they say that? But if you shook hard enough you won’t tell one from the...
  3. Almost but not quite out of body experience you think you want

    Imagine waking up to find yourself locked inside a room that you've woken up to, probably a million times; Everything is exactly where it should be -- even that disgusting pile of dirty clothes you like to pretend doesn't exist. You look around, not being able to shake off that nagging feeling...