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    Name of the app you are reviewing: KAIROSOFT SERIES Link to the content on our site you're reviewing (optional): Kairosoft - Games for Android Kairosoft Series: A collection of 8-bit graphic games that you must try! Review: It is undeniable that in today's sophisticated era...
  2. 💬 Review World War Z

    Name of the movie you are reviewing: World War Z Link to the content on our site you're reviewing (optional): World War Z A war with death body. Could humanity win? Review: ⚠️ SPOILER WARNING⚠️ World War Z where Z stands for Zombie is a film based on the novel of the same name...
  3. T

    APK Reports: outdated version/broken links

    Name of the game: Basketball Club Story Link to reach the affected page: Mod apk [Kairosoft] Basketball Club Story 1.2.4 Mod(updated) Forum's author of the reported apk: @Fity Last version we have: v1.2.4 Last known version (or broken file url): SBUpload - The next-gen File Hosting...
  4. 💬 Review The Raid 2: Brandal

    Name of the movie you are reviewing: The Raid 2: Brandal Link to the content on our site you're reviewing (optional): The Raid 2 (2014) - IMDb coolest Thriller films Review: I will review The Raid 2: Brandal. The latest film produced by Merantau Film which aired simultaneously in...
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    Mod apk [Kairosoft] Basketball Club Story 1.2.4 Mod(updated)

    Bro i pay 100 for error link. Please fix it.
  6. T

    Mod apk Anime Studio Story v2.0.9 - Unlimited Money, Unlimited Training Points & more (new)

    Did it reset? I've found the point not reseting to 999. Did u got any idea?