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  1. Mws94

    Happy belated Christmas and New Years ❤🥳

    Happy belated Christmas and New Years ❤🥳
  2. Mws94

    Welcome back, King! 😎👍

    Welcome back, King! 😎👍
  3. Mws94

    I was wondering where you was! Have a good break!

    I was wondering where you was! Have a good break!
  4. Mws94

    Graphics gang or Gameplay gang?

    Gameplay is upmost important but in this day and age, a certain level of graphics or artistic design is just as essential.
  5. Mws94

    Nostalgia time: What is your favorite PS1 game?

    Crazy Taxi, ya'll?
  6. Mws94

    What is your favorite RPG?

    Depends. When I was younger, BG Dark Alliance but now I'd probably say - Skyrim just for the sheer replayability and mods.
  7. Mws94

    You are awesome, thank you!

    You are awesome, thank you!