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  1. Mod menu parts 2 json and in some relation to the txt

    Hi guys today ima teach you the json modding this does not require the (tab) because it uses something else as usual I recommend you learn the choice script cause you are changing the game code. What you will need: The json is written in a very long line or two. When written in two lines it...
  2. Part one for mod menus 😭

    OK so um mod menu [txt] this is the easier one to understand and mod Like '#' means it is selectable and is precursed by (tab/tabs) and *choice should go beneath it with one more (tab) than '#' this is called indents and is very important But you should have regular copies available for things...
  3. Dplpjc

    Title of your introduction thread: DplpjcHow did you find us? I was bored Which types of games do you usually play? Text-based choice script Something about me: I'm a pro who was bored of intense sweaty matches against sweats and so I started coding when I was bored I looked up how to hack...