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Dimitri Petrenko
✌️ Community Team
Member for 5 years
Strategy is not that type I usually play... If you would say FPS I would recommend some 😇


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 4 years
There are lots of em and i will list both of my favorite offline/online strategy games.

Let's start on PC.
- Civilization (Series)
- Cossacks (Trilogy)
- Age of Empires (Trilogy)
- LoTR (Duology)
- Red Alert (Trilogy)
- Generals I /Zero Hour/ III
- Alpha Centauri
- Total War (Series)
- Total Annilation
- Supreme Commander
- Warcraft (Trilogy)
- Starcraft I/II
- Jagged Alliance
- Gensou Suikoden I/II/III
- 7th dragon 2020 I/II
- The Legend of Heroes (Series)
- Record from Agarest (Series)
- Persona (Series)
- Panzer I/II
- Arma I/II
- League of Legends
- Heroes of Newearth
- Smite
- Dwarf Fortress
(If you want to find more go to GOG)

Now for mobile.
- Neo Scavenger
- War Machines
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Final Fantasy Desidea
- Soda Dungeon
- Brave Frontier
- Battleheart
- Kemco (Games)
- Evertale
- Neomonsters
- Last Days on earth
- Mobile legends Bang bang (Moba)
- Arena of Valor (Moba)
- Vainglory (Moba)
- Extraordinary ones (Moba)
- Heroes Evolved (Moba)
- Marvel Super War (Moba)
- Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
- Rebuild II/III
- Tropico
- Green Project
- This is the Police I/II
- Stardew Valley
- Mines of Mars
- FnaF
- CnaF
- Plague Inc
- Rebels Inc
- Harvest Town
- Death Road to Canada
- Door Kickers
- Onmyoji Arena (Moba)
- Kingdom Rush
- Kingdom Rush Frontier
- Plants Vs Zombie II
- RedSuns
- Terraforming Mars
- Star Trader
- Dungeon Maker
- Guild of Dungeoneering
- Idle Poring!
- Mutants Genetic Gladiatora
- King of the dragon Pass
- Devil Twins VIP
- PixelTerra
- Eden
- Lophis
- Dungeon Chronicles
- Fiz
- Buried Bones
- Walking dead no mans land
- Clash of Clans
- Clash of Royale
- The battle of polytopia
- Hearthstone
- XCOMM Enemy Within
- Iron Marines
- Boom Beach
- Castle Clash
- Banner Saga (Trilogy)
- DomiNation
- Age of Empires
- Uni War
- Autumn Dynasty
- Dota Underlords
- Kingdom Rush Origins
- Frozen Synapse
- Bloons TD
- Anomaly 2
- Mindustry
- Vodobanka
- Mini Metro
- Reigns Her Majesty
- War Commanders
- Breach & clear
- Land Air Sea Warfare
- Swords of Ditto
- Poopdie
- PewDiePie Pixelings
- Brawls Stars
- Kingdom Rush Vengeance
- Titanfall Assaults