💬 Review Mobile legends

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Name of the app you are reviewing: Mobile legends

A league of legends clone on mobile, complete with a lot of pay-to-win features and incredibly imbalanced hero and their ridiculously expensive prices

Mobile legend is literally just a league of legends clone on mobile. The only new thing that i can think of is the heroes and emblems. Emblems are passive buffs that you can apply to your hero, but unlocking and upgrading them requires massive amounts of cash and luck. Most heroes, especially new ones are extremely expensive. You'll probably get so frustated that you'll end up buying gems with real money. And the cost of gems are pretty ridiculous as well. It's so steep here in Indonesia compared to regions like china and the us. Which i guess is irrelevant but yeah.

The heroes are mostly imbalanced, there are clearly significantly better heroes than the rest but what makes this one so bad is how overpowered newly released heroes are. What they do, is that they release overpowered heroes and only nerfs them after two weeks or so. Sure i guess, being nerfed eventually is a good thing but those time periods before the nerf is absolute hell, seeing the same overpowered heroes being picked over and over again while also being crushed by them isn't fun by any means.

The gameplay itself can be pretty fun yeah, but it is objectively bad from a technical perspective. The community is also literal cancer most of the times, you could find a few good apples here and there but they're pretty rare. The best thing this game has is how much fun you're probably going to be having. I will admit, i have played this game for 3 years and it is one of the most fun game i've played.

Would you recommend this to other users? Give this game a try if you're looking for a fun game but don't really care about how good it is from a technical perspective. One suggestion i have for those brave enough is to find a friend to play with, trust me, they really help.

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐