Okay good night parents alert

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APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 3 years
Good night everyone my parents caught me on my phone. When I have somewhere to be tomorrow. Lol parents nooooo. I love mine though even though they do stuff like this. It's for my own good though and I'm almost 18 so they gotta be stricter but I know they love me.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 3 years
No they just don't like me up that late at night even if I don't have somewhere to be they don't whoop me anymore cause it stopped working so they found a new method they ground me from my Xbox or phone and I can't live without stuff lol I could but I have a addiction so I get very crazy when I'm not playing on my stuff for more that two or three days
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