💬 Review Pokemon Unite by Pokemaster34

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Name of the app you are reviewing: Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite is multiplayer online battle arena game, with standard matches consisting of two teams of five players. Each match is time-limited, and the team with the highest total score by the end of each match wins. A team can also win if the opposing team surrenders.

It is a fun game. I played since the beginning and haven't bought anything in-game. I'm at Ultra Rank from doing the free in game missions. I usually don't play much more than that since the matches are 10 minutes each on average. If you want to take it easy or try out new mons Standard is the place. If you want to have more of a challenge and increase rank go for Ranked Matches. Quick Matches are loads of fun as well and change everyday with diffrent little mechanics. There is a lot of free content and it is easy to get new pokemon to battle with as long as you log in and do the daily matches. In about a month, atleast for me, you can get a new pokemon. The game has five diffrent types fo characters and you cna easily get one in each category of the in game missions. The skins is sad because they cost a ridiculous amount, about 40 american dollars per skin. I have enjoyed the special holiday modes and the games in general as a solo player. The customization for the trainers is okay, and the new stuff is a hit or miss. I would have liked the wigs for each outfit to be optional because they usually look odd. If you're nonbinary you still have to pick boy or girl and pick a kid friendly username unless you want to be reported and have random numbers.

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes, it's a fun game of you like MOBAs or Pokemon. I reccomend just not taking it too seriously, if you do I think it makes the game experience less fun.

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐